Two Tips for Denture Users Who Suffer From Chronic Mouth Ulcers

If you develop mouth ulcers regularly and you use dentures, the following tips will probably be of interest to you.

Ask for a soft reline when undergoing your next denture relining

Denture relining is a necessary process for most denture wearers that ensures that their dentures continue to fit comfortably and stay secure, even when the wearer's mouth goes through changes (such as gum shrinkage). Dentists who provide a relining service will take off a little bit of the palate part of the denture, make a mould of the newly sheared section that is left behind and then use the mould to make a new layer for the denture, which, when added onto this dental device, will make it fit better.

When you go for your next denture relining, you should explain to your dentist that you have mouth ulcers and so would like a soft reline, rather than a hard one. The former is made from a spongier material than the latter and so will yield a little bit when pressed against the wearer's mouth rather than staying completely rigid. This means that if you get a mouth ulcer in an area of your gums where your dentures are located, the denture reline will not irritate this sore patch of gum tissue, because it will give way ever so slightly as you move your mouth rather than staying rigid and rubbing against your ulcer (which would make it even more painful).

Keep your dentures squeaky clean

Dentists normally tell their denture-using patients to sanitise their dental devices by soaking them in a denture disinfectant overnight. Alongside regular brushing of the dentures, this is enough to ensure that they smell fresh and do not become dangerously unhygienic throughout the day.

However, if you have a lot of mouth ulcers, it is important to go the extra mile in regards to denture hygiene. If possible, you should consider doing a second, shorter sanitisation session during the middle of the day to rid your dentures of any bacterial film that may have formed on them since you woke up and put them in. The reason for this is that if bacteria that has grown on your dentures is pressed against your mouth ulcers, the ulcers could get infected and may take several extra weeks to heal. As such, giving the dentures an additional sanitising soak midway through your day could encourage the quick healing of any ulcers that you develop.
