Should You See a Dentist About Your Sensitive Teeth?

Living with sensitive teeth can be a struggle. Sensitive teeth can prevent you from enjoying hot and cold drinks, as well as foods like ice cream. You might even suffer when walking outside in cold weather. However, you don't have to suffer in silence. If you find the cause of your sensitivity, you can treat the problem and say goodbye to the sensitivity for good.

Your dentist can treat your tooth sensitivity. You would be wise to visit your dentist for a checkup. In fact, the sensitivity could be a sign of something more serious than mere sensitivity.

You Need to Determine the Cause

When dealing with tooth sensitivity, it's important that you first figure out what is causing it. The sensitivity is likely a symptom of a more serious dental issue. Only once your dentist treats that issue will your tooth sensitivity go away. The following dental problems can lead to tooth sensitivity:

  • Receding gums, where the gums pull away from the roots of your teeth.
  • Caries, or dental cavities, which are caused by bacteria and acid erosion.
  • Damage to a tooth, such as a crack or chip that is difficult to detect with the naked eye.
  • Enamel erosion because of a diet rich in sugary foods and drinks.
  • Enamel erosion due to poor brushing technique.

All of the above conditions lead to tooth sensitivity. All healthy teeth have some degree of sensitivity. In fact, some sensitivity is helpful when you are eating and drinking. Sensation travels along microscopic tubules located in the dentin layer just beneath the enamel. Some degree of feeling helps you to judge how much biting pressure is necessary when chewing food.

However, if your enamel is compromised by decay, acidity or damage, there is nothing to cushion the sensations traveling into your teeth. As a result, your teeth become highly sensitive. But if you don't see your dentist, you won't know the cause of the sensitivity.

Your Dentist Can Treat Your Sensitivity

Once your dentist determines the cause of your sensitivity, they can treat that cause easily with some restorative dentistry. For instance, if your enamel has eroded due to exposure to sugar, your dentist can cover the affected teeth with composite bonding. They can also utilize veneers if the damage to your teeth is severe.

Your dentist can treat your tooth sensitivity. However, you may also need to work with your dentist to ensure the sensitivity doesn't return. That might mean adjusting your diet and learning proper brushing technique, for example.

To learn more, contact a family dentist.
