Your Guide to Making a Root Canal Comfortable

Many people will experience tooth decay at some point in their lives. When the problem becomes extreme, sometimes a simple filling is not enough. Instead, your dentist may recommend you undergo a root canal procedure. This is where they drill into the pulp to remove the infection and prevent you from developing an abscess. Naturally, you may not relish the thought of a dentist drilling deep into your tooth. There are a few ways you can work with your dentist to make the procedure more comfortable, though. [Read More]

How to Make Gap-Free Dental Insurance Work for You

Anyone with gap-free dental insurance will, quite rightly, try to maximise this area of their coverage to reduce their dental bills. This type of dental insurance allows you to claim the total cost of certain dental procedures if you use a dentist who's a member of your insurer's provider network. How does it work, and perhaps more importantly—how do you make it work for you? The Basics Here are the basics of gap-free coverage. [Read More]

6 Tips To Keep Children's Teeth Healthy

Children's teeth are precious. Even though they will get another set of teeth for adulthood, it is still important to avoid dental decay, which can cause pain, difficulty eating, and lead to long-term gum health problems. The following six tips can help to keep your child's teeth healthy. 1. Set a Good Example Kids imitate their parents, so it is important that they see you brushing and flossing. When the whole family cleans their teeth together, kids start to see it as a normal part of life, rather than a chore that you are imposing on them. [Read More]

Possible Reasons for Tooth Pain When Biting

You shouldn't feel a sharp pain when you bite down or press against your teeth. When pain like that appears suddenly, it may be due to a dental problem. However, many different things can cause tooth pain this way. If you experience sudden tooth pain while biting, don't assume it will get better. Continue reading to learn more about the common reasons for tooth pain when you apply pressure to your teeth. [Read More]