Maintaining Your Denture Implants: A Job for You and Your Dentist

Implant-supported dentures with a removable prosthesis are an effective solution for multiple missing teeth. They're less intrusive than traditional implants (with each implant anchoring its own prosthetic tooth) and they're far more stable than standard dentures without implant support. Most of the maintenance of your implant dentures is simply maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene, but you will still be required to attend regular dental appointments to maintain the health and stability of your implants. [Read More]

4 Reasons to Choose a Sleep Dentist

If you hate getting dental treatments, going to a sleep dentist could be a suitable option for you. Sleep dentists use sedatives and anesthetic to put their patients to sleep or put them into a sedated state before they carry out dental work. Here are four reasons why you might choose to visit a sleep dentist. 1. Dental Phobia Almost no one enjoys going to the dentist, but some people experience so much anxiety that they find it very difficult to get the checkups and treatment they need. [Read More]

What to Do When a Tooth Is Knocked Out: A Practical Guide

If you knock a tooth clean out of your mouth due to an accident, you're probably not going to calmly go online and look up what you should do next. Sure, you should remain calm, and seek immediate dental treatment. As far as the best way to deal with the immediate aftermath, there are a few practical points to remember, if the worst should happen to your poor tooth. Where's the Tooth? [Read More]

Dangers Of Underrating The Importance Of Immediate Emergency Denture Repairs

Dentures may have been around for decades on end, but the fact that they are still a viable solution for tooth loss proves they are still an effective option. Their affordability also makes them easily accessible to a majority of individuals who may not have the budget for tooth replacement solutions such as dental bridges or implants. While perfect-fitting dentures will restore some normalcy to your life, you should know that the daily wear and heavy use they are under does expose them to some damages, typically in the form of cracks. [Read More]